Integrate Know-it & Xero

Automate your credit control process!

Know-it isn't your standard financial services company - we make credit management simple and easy with our Xero integration!

Know-it gives SMEs the ability to mitigate credit risk, reduce debtor days and boost cashflow.

FREE for 30 days – no credit card required!

Integrating with Xero couldn't be simpler

Know-it seamlessly integrates with Xero, providing real-time customer credit tracking and data intelligence automatically.

It helps automate and streamline your credit control process so you can mitigate credit risk, effectively manage your credit, better understand your customer and boost your cashflow.

Know-it and Xero give you the power to:

Credit check, monitor, chase and collect all in one place!

Know-it is a revolutionary platform that gives you the power to effectively manage all your credit processes, mitigate risk, better understand your customers and get paid quicker.

Our platform highlights any financial areas of concern with your customers that might impact on their ability to pay. It brings you the intelligence to make smarter credit decisions with real-time company and credit data from several sources in one easy to manage platform.

Know-it detects when your Xero invoice due dates and automatically chases these invoices by email, letter and SMS when they're due.

Our app helps credit control departments and business owners to streamline their credit control process.

Connecting your Xero with Know-it takes seconds.

Getting started with Know-it is so easy!

Sign up directly using your Xero account or you can sign up for a new Know-it account and then simply connect your ledger from Xero.

Know-it's smart integration will pick up your contacts, billing, invoices and payments from Xero and will automatically match this data with our Know-it database to provide additional financial and credit insight on your customers!

Know-it will then automatically monitor any changes to your customers financial status and bring these to your attention. We don't change or alter your Xero data, we only notify you of changes that can impact on your customers ability to pay or provide them with credit.

Sign up &
experience Know-it

Know-it is free for the first 30 days!

KNOW-IT (GLOBAL) LTD International House, Stanley Boulevard, Hamilton Technology Park, Glasgow, Scotland, G72 0BN. SC645873.

© Copyright 2024. All rights reserved.

Scottish Business Resilience Centre
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